Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

This post may contain affiliate links. I may earn a commission if you make a purchase from these links.

If you’ve been around this blog or know me in person, you know that we are HUGE fans of SchoolhouseTeachers.com. You may remember THIS POST I wrote last year, sharing the top five reasons SchoolhouseTeachers.com works for delight directed homeschooling. Even though we have been using Schoolhouse Teachers for a few years, they are constantly adding content and working to make the site even better. Let me share with you an updated TOP TEN reasons we love using SchoolhouseTeachers.com. And to be clear… it is really great for all homeschoolers… not just relaxed, delight directed folks like me.

We have the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership, currently on sale for $99. Don’t let this deal pass you by!!!

1. Affordability

One membership fee covers the entire family for the entire year. You do not pay per kid or per subject. One fee covers it all. Read on to find out what the “all” is that your fee covers (because it is like a crazy good deal).

Take advantage of this great deal before it expires at the end of January 2020.

2. Complete Curriculum

SchoolhouseTeachers.com offers over 400 courses, including options for every subject for every grade. When you visit the site, you can easily navigate with grade based menus or subject based menus. If I want a Science class for my 4th grader, I click to “Browse By Grade” and then navigate to the Science classes where I can see all the choices offered.

Just this week, my elementary age girls and I switched from the Nature Study we started in the Fall to this Growing Healthy in Fourth Grade Class. They are both very interested in the human body and this course is perfect. It utilizes my number three top reason for loving SchoolhouseTeachers.com. Which is…

3. Access to Worldbook Online

As a member of SchoolhouseTeachers.com, you get access to Worldbook Online. Worldbook has Early World of Learning Resources (PK-2), Kid’s Resources (1st-5th), Student Resources (6th-8th), and Advanced Resources (9th-12th) as well as a large library of eBooks for all grades. Many of the courses offered through SchoolhouseTeachers.com are linked with World Book. The guess work is taken out for me, the parent, when it comes to planning and curating resources.

4. Access to Right Now Streaming Media

Not that I watch Oprah, but sometimes when describing SchoolhouseTeachers.com, I feel like her… You get World Book! You get a full curriculum! You get Right Now Media! Y’all… one fee covers SO MUCH!!

What is Right Now Streaming Media?? Think Netflix, but from a Biblical worldview. Membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com gives you access to hundreds of streaming videos from providers including Creation.com, Drive Thru History, Vision Video, Discovery House, Boat Angel, City on a Hill, RightNow Media, and more. Just like World Book Online, many of the courses offered are linked to Right Now Media.

One of my most favorite things offered through Right Now Streaming Media is the library of Torchlighter Videos. Not only do you get to watch the videos, you have access to supplemental materials- worksheets, discussion guides, coloring sheets, and activities.

As a youth ministry worker, I also love all the access to great, video based Bible studies. The studies are not just for youth, but that is where my focus usually is so that’s what stands out to me.

5. Online Music Lessons

What?!?! You read it… online music lessons!!! My kids have all taken piano lessons from a local friend. However, my oldest declared last year that he was done with wanting to take lessons. We told him that was fine as long as he kept pursuing music in some form or fashion on his own.

He decided to take up guitar. Now… I play guitar and I could teach him…. but I don’t want to. I already have my hands full with the basics and he is incredibly self motivated. We took a look to see what might be offered through SchoolhouseTeachers.com and guess what…

Eight units, video based for 3rd- 12th grade. Boom! Perfect!!!

6. Support for Parents

Included in your membership is a live chat help, members only forum, monthly meal planning menu, tools to help you build schedules, report cards, and more… If you need step by step help through this homeschool journey… you’ve found it!

7. Self Paced Learning

All of the material on SchoolhouseTeachers.com is available all the time. You don’t have to worry about the class moving on without you. You set the pace!!! You pick your courses, you set your schedule. Every class comes with a lesson plan… but you have freedom to work through it at your own pace and do what is best for your children.

8. Lessons Can Be Downloaded and Printed

Are you still not quite comfortable with the world of online learning? I, personally, love the feel of books. I like to dog ear resources, highlight, and flip pages. Making the switch to online curriculum has been a challenge for me. I love that I have the option to download and print all the class materials from SchoolhouseTeachers.com.

My 7th grader has been doing the Civil Rights Unit this year through SchoolhouseTeachers.com. Because we are still easing her into more independent work on the computer, I still want her to have opportunities to use actual books. I printed and bound the reading material for the course. She has her Civil Rights “workbook” that she can use to refer to and read for her lessons. There are still videos and online articles as part of the course, but she has the benefit of a printed book as well.

9. Record Keeping with Applecore

“Designed for the fast paced homeschool parent so you can focus on your children, not the next gray hair. Track courses, grades, attendance and much more, all with full reporting from transcripts to report cards. We know homeschooling!’

I JUST discovered this wonderful perk of my SchoolhouseTeachers.com membership. With a highschooler in the home, I have to take my record keeping a little more seriously. I’m excited to use Applecore to help build my son’s transcript as we go.

10. No Buyer’s Remorse

Have you ever bought a curriculum only to find out it doesn’t work for you or your child? You feel like you have to finish because you spent all that money… right? There is none of that with SchoolhouseTeachers.com because… guess what… you have access to over 400 courses. If one doesn’t work…no bigs… just find the one that does!!!

You can follow SchoolhouseTeachers.com to keep up with all the happenings:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SchoolhouseTeachers/
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Are you ready to join? CLICK HERE. Not quite sure… check out the other reviews from the Old Schoolhouse Review Crew!

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