Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

I have long loved using lapbooks in our homeschooling. Lapbooking is a great hands-on way for students to research and learn all about a specific topic! It’s basically just a file folder filled with fun little “mini-books” that contain interesting information about your overall lapbook topic. They’re hands-on and make any subject a little more fun!

Home School In The Woods offers a variety of products for digital download (perfect while we are quarantine-schooling!). We were given the opportunity to review the Composers Activity Pak.

The Composers Activity Pak is designed for grades 3-8. The pak contains six different activities and comes with all the instructions, materials, and downloads you need to complete them. Outside of the downloads you will need scissors, paper, printer, glue, and a file folder.

The six lap book activities included in the Composers Activity Pak are:

  1. Periods of Music
  2. Keyboard Vocabulary
  3. Collection of Composers
  4. Pieces with a Purpose
  5. Music Appreciation
  6. Composers Timeline

In addition to the lapbook activities, you can find

  1. “The Orchestra” File Folder Display- showing orchestra seating from four different periods
  2. Composer Cards- match various composers with their information and popular works, making it a fun way to become familiar with the music and the masters.

When you receive the Composers Activity Pak, it comes as a zip file. This is simply a way to compress files and take up less space when sending them over the inter webs. Zip files must be extracted, or expanded before you can access the content. CLICK HERE for instructions on how to do that. Once the Composers Pak zip file has been expanded, you’ll find it is very well organized and easy to follow. The PDFs for each activity are in separate files, making them easy to find. Instructions for each activity are included and very easy to follow.

Guess what else is included (do you feel like you’re in an informercial yet??? But wait… there’s more!)?? Access to MP3s of 23 pieces and movements. You can listen AND illustrate a picture to go with each piece!!!

Full disclosure… with all the madness of the worldwide pandemic and trying to adjust to a new normal, we have not yet finished even one of the lapbook activities. However… with all this extra time at home, we for sure will be slowing down and appreciating the music and activities included.

If you are looking to add Music Appreciation to your Homeschool, look no further. You can find all you need in one place with Home School In The Woods Composers Activity Pak. Seriously… this is an amazing deal that will enrich your homeschool life.

You could choose one activity a week to work on and spread your unit study out over 8 weeks. At the end of the 8 weeks, you’ll have a beautiful lapbook recording your journey.

With this being an election year, be sure to check out The Hands On History Lap Pak- US Elections from Home School In The Woods!

Be sure to follow Home School In The Woods on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/homeschoolinthewoods/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HSintheWoods
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/homeschoolinthewoods/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/hsinthewoods/boards/

Check out what others from the review crew have to say about the different products offered from Home School In the Woods. Click the banner below:

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