Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Sometimes I am super techy and love learning new technology and new programs and new games. Other times, I am an old fogey who has zero desire to utilize technology in my day to day. I was hesitant to embrace eBooks. I don’t like curriculum that I have to download. There is just something about physical books and paper and pencil. However! I am not my children. I am not growing up in the computer and device filled world they are experiencing. For their sakes, I familiarize myself more and more with the wealth of resources available through digital learning. If you like digital learning, let me encourage you to check out Math Shed and Spelling Shed.

We received 12 months of access to both Math Shed and Spelling Shed. My younger two girls (ages 10 and 8) are the ones who logged on and learned via this platform. The company is created by teachers, made for teachers. The company is British based. Therefore, the British education system is what it is based on. The Stages 1-5 correspond with their academic years and what they teach in their school system.

As an Instructor

Parents have a Teacher Hub. I would highly recommend watching the training videos before you jump in. You’ll save time and frustration. In the teacher hub, you can set up your child’s account, assignments, and check on their progress. Detailed reports are available to come to your inbox.

Spelling Shed

  • Curriculum for k-5th grade
  • Divided into stages that correspond with grades
  • Each stage has 36 weekly objectives and spelling lists that give steady progression
  • Traditional spelling tracing sheets (printable) provided for each lesson
  • Phonics-based
  • Teachers can create custom lists

My girls each received their own log-in and password. The site was very easy to navigate. Once they logged on, they could choose Math Shed or Spelling Shed. I will say they figured out a shortcut to success with one of the parts of Spelling Shed. There is an activity where they see a word with its definition. The next screen has the letters of the word mixed up and they are to put it back together. My girls would quickly write down the word from the first screen to make sure they correctly spelled it.

Math Shed

  • Develop number sense through number bonds, addition and subtraction, times tables, powers of ten, and more.
  • Ability to set deadlines and math challenges
  • Parent tracking
  • Sign Up for a 30 Day Free Trial

The Avatar

One incentive given that appealed to my girls was the ability to customize their avatars. As they participated in the digital learning programs, the earned points towards customizing with different facial features, hair color and style, backgrounds, clothes, etc.

The avatars aren’t super duper as far as graphics, but the girls loved it and worked really hard to unlock certain features.

How We Used the Programs

Because we already have a core spelling and math program we use in our homeschool, we used Math Shed and Spelling Shed as supplement material. The girls used the programs for about fifteen minutes each, two-three times per week. They both seemed to enjoy the math more than the spelling. If you have a child who is a visual learner and enjoys digital learning, this may just be the program for them!

Be sure to follow Ed Shed on Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EdShed-US-113476190342149/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdShedUS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spellingshed/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJKXC4Rd29eQQWPbSdITLhw

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