I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

We were given the chance to review a prodcut last year from Teach Sunday School. Ever since we did the review and “liked” the page on Facebook, I see their great products come up in my feed. One that I’ve been eyeing for a while is the Bible Breakdowns. I was so excited when I found out we were going to be given the chance to review the product through the Review Crew!

Teach Sunday School offers tons of no prep, print and go resources to help in teaching the Bible.

We received book by book Bible Breakdowns for both the Old and the New Testament. This came to us digitally as printable PDFs. It was super easy to download and access the files.

Each page contains:

  • Book title
  • Location of old or new testament
  • Book number within the testament
  • Brief description
  • Number of chapters
  • Type of book, ie. history, poetry, prophetic, etc.
  • Date written
  • Time period covered
  • Author
  • Breakdown by chapter, verse and subject

I work in youth ministry. One of our biggest hopes and values is Biblical Literacy. We want to teach our students to be comfortable and competent when it comes to the Bible. I love these pages in the book by book Bible Breakdowns. They are visually appealing and full of great information. They help see the book at a glance and learn valuable information such as the author, when the book was written, what type of book (history, poetry, etc.), and the number of chapters.

The Bible Breakdowns can easily fold into your homeschool day. You could print the whole packet off or print the pages as you need. We received the family license, meaning I can print as many copies as needed for my family’s use. Using the printable pages to review or introduce a book of the Bible would be a great way to use these in your family Bible time.

My kids are 16, 14, 12, and 9. They are all able to benefit from these amazing printables from Teach Sunday School. The pages give a broad look at what they will be reading in Scripture and can aid in preparing their minds to read. When teaching how to study the Bible, we (our family and youth group) teach to look at the Location, Audience, and Framework of the passage to help understand context when reading. I love how these printable reinforce what we are already teaching.

Be sure to follow Teach Sunday School:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SundaySchoolLessons
Instagram: @teachsundayschool
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/biblefun/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwHfenlbCBU_XfzvqCFFPA

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