Welcome to the Delight Directed Homeschooler. Wait? What? Another homeschool blog??? Yes. That is exactly what is happening.

I have the privilege of being in community with several homeschool families. The homeschool association where we are members serves over 200 families. And guess what? Not one of those homeschools look the same. We all have our own style, our own twist, our own giftings that play out in the day to day of homeschooling.

So… yes! This is just another homeschool blog? But it will be different because I am different. I hope that you will join me in sharing this journey with it’s ups and downs and in betweens. Join me in the trenches of this thing called home education. Let’s encourage one another. Let’s learn from one another. Let’s laugh together.

I will be sharing more of my story and how we arrived at this thing called “Delight Directed Homeschooling” every Monday in a series called “My Story Monday.”

For now, please CLICK HERE so I can introduce myself.

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