Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

I really enjoy history and interesting, obscure facts. I love seeing how things tie together. The Hidden Message of the Great Seal by Michael Kanis is an amazing tool that digs deep into one single item dating back to our nation’s founding. The paper back book is 256 pages with 24 chapters.
The Seal was “written” by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams in 1776, the same three who wrote teh Declaration of Independence, and finalized by one of the most fascinating men of the revolution, Charles Thomson. Starting on the very first day of a new nation, the seal now joins the Declaration and the Constitution forming a triumvirate of power to establish and guide the nation.
From the Book Description
The Hidden Message of the Great Seal takes us on a treasure hunt through our nation’s rich history. Michael Kanis and the Hidden Message, LLC have put together a resource to help our students understand where we have come from with hope that “foundational truth from the dawn of liberty may rescue a respublic in peril.” In a time when are nation is so divided, it is crucial that we remember the foundation on which we were built.
I remember when I was a preschool teacher, I had a family that did not want their child to learn history. Any time we did a unit study looking at historical events, I was to send the child to the office to play or read until we were finished. That child could not learn about Thanksgiving or the Civil War or The Great Depression or Christmas. The parents’ reasoning was that so many awful things happened in the past that to teach them would only cause awful things to happen again. I was so sad for that little boy… thinking about how blindsided and naive he would be growing up. We need to know our history. We need to know the foundation, the vision, the actions, the consequences. When you read the Bible, you see how the Israelites were story tellers. They preserved their history and culture through story and passing it from generation to generation. The Hidden Message of the Great Seal is a preservation of story that can be passed on.
The Hidden Message of the Great Seal would make a fantastic supplement to an American History course. It could also be used as a stand alone unit study. The book is best suited for highschool through adults. You could modify it for younger grades, but I think much would be lost.
As I have homeschooled over these last eleven years, my own education experience has been redeemed. I realize how much I missed out on by not digging deeper and asking more questions. American History is definitely an area where there is more than meets the eye… more than dates and events. I love how The Hidden Message of the Great Seal brings about depth from a historical item that has been part of our culture since the beginning. As with many things, it would be easy to overlook the seal, but once you read this book… your eyes will be opened.

A few of our favorite parts of the book include the breakdown of the description of the pyramid found on the dollar. There are many conspiracy theories out there. It was nice to learn the truth behind the symbol. We also like how we are shown the influence of Scripture in our nation’s founding and the designing of the Seal. The parts about Israel and America are also fascinating.
Have I peaked your interest enough? Are you ready to be Nicholas Cage and dig deep into this national treasure??? Sorry… couldn’t resist. But seriously… be a time traveling detective with your highschool student and look at American History with fresh eyes.
And guess what?!!? For a limited time, you can save 50% when you purchase The Hidden Message of the Great Seal by Michael Kanis through the website. Just use the coupon code: Homeschool.
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