Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way

Are you even a homeschooler if you don’t ferment stuff every now and then??? With gardening season upon us, now is the perfect time to learn a new skill! The Fermentools Starter Kit has everything you need to get started in food fermenting!

Fermentools Airlock Systems were specially designed with the home fermenter in mind. No need to buy an expensive, bulky crock ever again. Now you can turn any wide-mouthed Mason Jar of any size into the perfect fermenting vessel!
From the Fermentools Website
Fermentools is a family owned business, based in the United States. Their supplies are built to last. Fermented foods are rich in probiotic bacteria so by consuming fermented foods you are adding beneficial bacteria and enzymes to your overall intestinal flora, increasing the health of your gut microbiome and digestive system and enhancing the immune system.

The Starter Kit from Fermentools includes:
- 1 Stainless Steel Lid – Made from 304 surgical stainless steel
- 1 Glass Fermentation Weight – Made to fit inside the standard widemouthed Mason jar
- 1 Air Lock.
- 2 Rubber Stoppers (1 with hole for airlock – 1 solid).
- 1 Rubber Canning Gasket.
- Himalayan Powdered Salt – Himalayan sea salt has over 80 trace minerals and is ground fine enough to easily mix with cold water.
- Instruction Guide and Basic Sauerkraut recipe.
The kit contains enough of the Himalayan Powedered Salt to complete several fermenting projects, but you will need the other materials for each jar you choose to use. You’ll notice that the wide mouth mason jar is not included. You will need to purchase that separately.
The instructions for basic sauerkraut are very easy to follow. Make sure you don’t skip a step or read through too quickly… you could end up with mold or stinkier than expected, some what fermented cabbage… just saying. Although sauerkraut is a very easy, beginner’s entry to the world of fermenting, my family just aren’t a fan. The picky-ness factor in this household is astounding. But… I won’t give up! We will give it another go with different fruits and veggies this summer!! I’m particularly excited to try the healthy, probiotic mayonnaise recipe listed under condiments on the website.
You can find receipes for the following on the Fermentools website:
We are excited to use our Fermentools Starter Kit as our garden kicks off this year. We always plant plenty of beans and cucumbers. Honestly.. until we received the kit, I knew very little about fermentation. I have friends that make kombucha and neighbors who eat kimchi… but that’s about where my knowledge ends.

Fermentools is offering our readers a 15% discount until June 30th! Take advantage of this great deal. Use the code: CREW2020.
Even though restrictions are starting to lift in various places around the country, it looks like social distancing is going to be the norm for a while. I don’t know about you, but our summer plans have been turned upside down! The more home-based projects the better. Fermentools offers very reasonable prices on their products. Fermenting is a helpful step towards healthy guts! Read more from Fermentools on why you should ferment!

Be sure to follow Fermentools on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fermentools/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/fermentools/
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/fermentools/
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