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How is it already the end of October and I haven’t clued anyone in on our high school plans?!?! Maybe I am still in denial that I have a high schooler. I mean… he is in 10th grade. I guess I can’t deny it really. I had the realization the other day that this might just be the last year I curate and plan his course load. If he chooses to do dual enrollment in our local community college next year, my role with him will change dramatically.
But that is next year and this is this year and we all know how drastically things change between now and then.
Here is what we are doing THIS year for my High Schooler:
Math has not been the easiest of subjects for this kid in the last few years. Algebra really did a number on him academically and as far as his confidence goes. I made the decision to pull way back this year and visit the basics… hopefully rebuilding the math confidence.
Through the review crew, I received a copy of No- Nonsense Algebra from the same company. I intend to let him work through it when he completes the Math Essentials Book 2. He does 2 lessons a day. The lessons include mental math (addition and multiplication) as well as a solid review of fractions, decimals, multiplication, and division. I’m hoping we can be done with Algebra this year and MOVE ON!
Language Arts
I learned about Progeny Press through the Homeschool Review Crew. I really love the format and content. I had my boy sit down with me and look through the different book studies offered through Progeny Press. He chose Hunger Games as well as the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The vision of Progeny Press is to analyze secular literature through a Biblical worldview. The study guides include critical thinking questions, essay options, additional research, and more. Each study guide takes about nine weeks to get through.
We have been using Schoolhouse Teachers for a few years. I love it. There is something for everyone. There is one, up front cost that gives you access to all the things for all the family. This year, the high schooler got himself a job at a local Gem Mine (tourist trap). He has to learn all the gem names and information about them. I suggested maybe he take Geology and we can count it all towards a credit this year. Schoolhouse Teachers offers a video based Geology course perfect for high schoolers!

Just a little side note. If you are struggling to figure out how to put together your child’s school year, Schoolhouse Teachers has a great new feature… Virtual Curriculum Boxes. They have carefully curated appropriate curriculum for EVERY GRADE!!! It’s true! You can still pick and choose your own courses or you can utilize this wonderful feature when you sign up as a member.
I asked him what he wanted to learn about this year. He wasn’t sure. He loves art. Our wonderful artist neighbor suggested to him once that it is helpful to study other artists… not necessarily to imitate them, but to see what they have brought to the table.
I suggested maybe we do a World History through the Lens of Art course… not Art History… world history with a specific lens. This proved to be a little more difficult that I realized. Schoolhouse Teachers actually has a course similar to what we were looking for, but it wasn’t for the whole year and I felt it wasn’t super complete.
Utilizing the following, I am creating a course for him that will satisfy a World History Credit and an Art Appreciation credit by the end of the year:
How Shall We Then Live by Francis Schaeffer. We are using the book and the videos (free on Amazon Prime.
The Illustrated Story of Art – a beautiful, full color book that follows the timeline of history.
Crash Course History Videos on YouTube. I’ve found several supplemental materials that go along with these videos on Teachers Pay Teachers.
I’m also using other YouTube Videos, books, art projects, articles, etc. He is assigned reading, essays, and art projects each week.
He is taking Spanish 1 online with a friend of ours. She is wonderful! Seriously… check out her other online course offerings. You will not be disapointed!!!!
Other Stuff
We have some other things in the works… but if I call them school… he won’t do them. He has been working through some coding classes from Simply Coding. He is trying to write a novel and is currently using materials provided by the Young Writers NaNoWriMo website (FYI… NaNoWriMo is from a secular worldview, is common core aligned, and uses inclusive language). He is also creating a lot of music through Garage Band on his iPad, making candles to sell at local vendor markets, and investing hours upon hours into his favorite thing… drawing.
What is your high schooler up to this year? Not quite sure where to start, CLICK HERE for some tricks of the trade.