Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Can I please tell you that if I have to grade one more Algebra test, homework, or practice paper this week, I AM GOING TO SCREAM. I took (and almost failed) Algebra in 9th grade…. and then again my freshman year in college. I didn’t know it would follow me into adulthood and parenting!!! I promise I’m not a crazy person… I just needed to get that off my chest. Ok… y’all… I cannot tell you how thankful I am for people who are good at math and also good at teaching and also good at presenting information in a wonderful and concise way. Enter MathandAlgebra.com!

MathandAlgebra.com is an online program that offers four complete math courses. Elementary, Intermediate, PreAlgebra, and Algebra 1. The teacher, Rick Fisher, is also the author of such books as Math Essentials and No-Nonsense Algebra. My oldest is currently working through Math Essentials. When his finishes that, he will move to No-Nonsense Algebra. I’ll be having him work through the Algebra course on Math and Algebra as well.

MathandAlgebra.com is a straight forward, easy to follow program that consists of videos, worksheets, and quizes… plus the ability to acheive awards along the way. Each course has 10 sections. Each section has various lessons to work through. At the end of each section, the students will complete a quiz before moving on to the next section. At the end of each course, students will complete a final quiz or test. The videos are short- from what I can see they are under ten minutes. The worksheets should only take about twenty minutes to complete.

Each lesson contains the video, the worksheet, and the answer key. One thing I would like to see in the answer key are the solutions… the how to… not just the answer. I cannot explain to my children why something is incorrect if I cannot see the steps. In other words… I need the answer keys to show the work.

The website is incredibly easy to navigate. When you log on, you can go to your dashboard, pick your course and work through the lessons.

When you click on your course, you can then visit the lessons. This is where you will find the videos and worksheets. The videos are essentially a blank white board where problems are written as the instructor explains.

We received a one year family subscription to Math and Algebra. I will likely only use this program as a supplement. Maybe it would be great for a student who is not destined for a mathematical field. Or for a student who has tried more intense curriculums and just isn’t getting it. If you’d like to try before you buy, MathandAlgebra.com offers a FREE 30 day money back guarantee.

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