DISCLAIMER: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

I love a good Bible study! And that is just what I found in Faith Journeys Bible Study Series: Romans Bundle from Julie Naturally. The mission of Julie Naturally is to “equip Christian homeschooling families with the tools and resources needed to embrace a natural lifestyle”. This includes 4 basic areas: homeschooling, holy living, wholistic health, and homesteading. I love all those things!!!

The two products that we were given to review are Bible Studies for Romans and Philippians. I chose to dive into Romans. The Bible study includes videos as well as a workbook/ devotional to work through. It is an 8 week Bible study designed for “mature, believing moms”. There is a short video to start each week, a section of Scripture to read, and 3-5 questions per day. The Bible study was designed with busy homeschool moms in mind. It is manageable and dives right in to the good stuff. The study also includes a coloring page to go with each week as well as printable Scripture memory cards.

I don’t know if I will ever be full okay with printables and digital books, but it appears that is the trend for now. As a designer and lesson planner myself, I understand the ease and importance of offering digital options in today’s world. The Bible Studies for Romans and Philippians came as digital downloads. You could choose to print and bind your book if you wanted. The Bible study is designed to take about 20 minutes per day.

The study covers about 2 chapters of Romans per week. The reading is broken up through out the week with daily corresponding questions. I like that they are not just “who” and “what” questions, but are also “how” and “why”.

Sometimes when thinking about reading Scripture and studying the Bible, it can feel very overwhelming… especially when you have kids to teach, meals to cook, laundry to do, dishes to wash, music lessons, park days, meetings, and more. It can feel so, so overwhelming. There are 24 hours in a day… 1440 minutes. You are probably awake for about 16 of those hours… 960 minutes. Finding 20 of those 960 minutes to give to studying Scripture should be totally do-able. Julie Naturally helps make it even more do-able. I highly recommend checking out her Bible Studies.

Be sure to follow Julie Naturally:

Facebook: facebook.com/julienaturally
Instagram: instagram.com/successful.unschooler
Pinterest: pinterest.com/julienaturally
YouTube: youtube.com/c/julienaturally

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