Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know math is just not my strong suit. There was a brief period of time about three years ago when I thought I got it. I thought all my math trauma had been redeemed and I was actually a math person. Ah… three years ago me… you were so cute. Reality check… I’m not a math person… AND THAT’S OK!!!! 

Thank goodness there are amazing resources out there to help those of us who are gifted in other areas than math. Through the Homeschool Review Crew, we have been introduced to Math Essentials. We been able to review several of their products over the last couple of years and have been thrilled every time. The latest product we received is Basic Math Skills Rescue, Part 1 and Part 2

Book 1 includes:

  • Whole Numbers and Integers
  • Fractions
  • Decimals and Percents

Book 2 includes:

  • Geometry
  • Problem Solving
  • Pre-Algebra

Author Rick Fisher was a math instructor for thirty-one years in California. He has devoted his time and efforts to developing unique math materials. Rick is a winner of the prestigious “Intel Innovations in Teaching Award”. He also won the Glenn W. Hoffmann Exemplary Awards Program for all of Silicon Valley in California. In his teaching experience, Mr. Fisher noticed a huge need to bridge the gap in middle school math. Many students were jumping straight into Algebra without the necessary building blocks. His materials have helped countless students improve their understanding and grades!

Math Essentials provides a no nonsense approach to teaching math. The pages are very straightforward without all the extras that can be distracting. The lessons are short and concise and include consistent review. Students build confidence in math as they move through the program.

My son really lost a ton of confidence when he began Algebra in eighth grade. I didn’t know what to do. He is a literal genius and has always tested off the charts across the board. When he suddenly came up against the challenge of Algebra and it didn’t click, he really got down and I had no idea how to help him. We tried a couple of different curricula as well as tutoring. It did not work! 

After working with Math Essentials Basic Math Skills Rescue, he came to me one day and said, “Why didn’t the other programs explain it this way. If they had, I wouldn’t have wasted the last two years!!!”

Higher level math can be difficult- both for students and teachers. Learn from my mistakes… if your child is struggling, take a couple of steps back. Go back to the basics and work on their foundation. Basic Math Skills Rescue is great for preparing a student for success in Algebra. You, the parent, could also work through the book to give yourself a refresher as you move into higher level math with your kids. 

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