Has the gnome obsession hit your home? Last year I noticed an increase in gnomes at holiday markets and on the interwebs. But this year it was like an explosion! Gnomes everywhere. My sis in law picked up a pillow for me from Costco. Apparently, Aldi had an extensive gnome selection. I picked up some gnome salt and pepper shakers at Ingles. My husband and I celebrated our anniversry by going to Fired Up- a paint your own pottery place in Asheville. I picked out one of those Christmas trees with the little light bulbs… you know what I’m talking about? Only… it wasn’t just a Christmas tree… it was a gnome wearing the Christmas tree as his hat! Gnomes are everywhere. My kids love them! My oldest daughter has started collecting them.

I had seen several sock gnomes and wondered how easy they would be to make. I googled, “easy sock gnomes” and was pleasantly surprised. I came across THIS POST from Ruffles and Rainboots on how to make a sock gnome in 3 minutes. Yes please!

I gathered the materials… most of which I had at home. I did have to order some poly pellets (although I think you could easily use rice as a substitute) and faux fur for beards. . I made a test gnome to see if it was in fact easy enough… and yes! It was. I gathered the kids and let them each pick out gnome building materials and have a go. It was so fun. My oldest posted his gnome on his Instagram account and said that now that he could make gnomes, he was unstoppable. He then asked if we could have a gnome making party. Sure! Why not?!?

The week before Christmas, we gathered up all the materials, set up an assembly line of sorts, bought some snacks (always have snacks if you plan to invited tweens and teens), and invited over some friends. It was a very low key, low maintenance get together. We had a great time.

Using the instructions I found on Ruffles and Rainboots, I created some directions for the party. Feel free to print them out and use them if you should choose to dive into the world of gnome making!

Someone posted THIS RECIPE on Facebook and tagged me in it. My oldest daughter bakes regularly and was excited to make these cute gnome cookies!

If you want to add a little extra to your gnome party … or just have some fun on your own, check out these coloring sheets I made up with gnome doodles I created. I love to draw! I love the idea of adult coloring books, but I’ve never been a fan of actually coloring them in. So… I like to create the designs and let other people do the coloring. If you happen to print and color, then post one of these little guys…. I’d love to see it. Give me a shout out on Instagram (@thedelightdirectedhomeschooler).

Click below the image to download the printable version.

Did you create any new traditions or memories this Christmas season? Comment below and share the wealth!

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