Disclaimer: I received this Complimentary Product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
I love children’s books and I love devotionals! When I can get them all wrapped up in one, well… that’s just a good day. We recently received The Wonder of Creation: 100 More Devotions about God and Science by Louie Giglio. We have reviewed books from Tommy Nelson Books in the past and let me tell you… they never disappoint.
When I was in college, I went to several Passion conferences and had the privilege of hearing Louie Giglio speak. He is the leader of Passion City Church in Altanta and founder of the Passion Movement. He may or may not be, but definitely is the reason I have a daughter named “Selah.” But that is a different story for a different day. All that to say, this dude is solid and knows his stuff and has a desire to get kids to notice, enjoy, and marvel at God’s creation.
I had a recent encounter in a co op where I teach. I teach Nature Science to 4th and 5th graders. When we started our unit on geology, I mentioned that our worldview often influences how we interpret the information we take in. As a Christian, I marvel at science through the lens of a Creator God. Well… apparently one of the little girls went home and shared what I said with her family and they did not appreciate the Bible and Science being in the same class together. Honestly… that’s fine. What I was teaching butted up against their worldview and they weren’t comfortable continuing in the class. I appreciate their conviction. I do not, however, appreciate the view that God and Science are mutually exclusive… that there is an understood separation of God and Science in most classrooms. It is as if I am unable to truly teach Science if I believe in Intelligent Design.
If something is true… it is true regardless of your worldview. Truth is truth is truth. God is over it all and he is not afraid for us to use the brains he gave us to explore and learn and dive into learning. As Christians, we need not shy away from science as if it is other worldly or weird. We should embrace the opportunity to marvel at the amazing imagination and creative actions of the God of the universe.

This is why I really love The Wonder of Creation: 100 More Devotions About God and Science. Guess what? There is a previous book that comes before this one filled with just as much goodness!!
This beautifully illustrated devotional is hardback and very sturdy. The pages are thick and shiny. What I’m saying is this book is made to be loved and read over and over again.
Geared for ages 6-10, The Wonder of Creation focuses on six kids who are growing and exploring. Throughout the book, we read about different parts of God’s creation and dig into amazing science facts. The hope is to make the connection between the world around you and the God who created it. The four main topics are Space, Earth, Animals, and People.

Each devotional has the same format. Laid out on two pages, you’ll find the devotional title, a verse, the devotional text, a prayer, and a section called “Explore the Wonder.”
My science loving ten year old thinks this book is amazing. She is so excited when she finds new information. She is just as excited when she finds something that we’ve already talked about in one of her classes.
Whether you are using the book for family devotions or giving it to your child to use for personal devotions, I think you will be blessed. Getting our children to be aware of God beyond Sunday School is pretty important. Teaching them that He is Lord of Creation and living and active in all areas allows us to know more about him and more about ourselves.
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