Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

If Adventures in Odyssey isn’t part of your life, I would really encourage you to question your life choices. Ok… maybe that’s a little extreme… but seriously. We love Adventures in Odyssey. About five years ago, our family was gifted two full CD cases full of Adventure in Odyssey episodes. We started listening to them in the car. At first, I was a little skeptical, but any doubts I have were quickly wiped away. My kids looked forward to car rides. We had so many great conversations sparked by the things we had heard. When I found out there was a book series based on the Adventures, I was so excited.

The Imagination Station is an invention of one of the main characters from Odyssey, Whit. The Imagination Station is a time traveling machine that takes you into real historical events to interact with real historical people. Some adventures go back to Bible times and others into more modern history. We were recently given the opportunity to review The Imagination Station Islands and Enemies by Marianne Hering. Adventures in Odyssey and The Imagination Station are part of Focus on the Family. The books are published by Tyndale.

Adventures in Odyssey began as a Saturday morning alternative for family entertainment. The hope was to present an entertaining, value filled family program. Eventually, Whit invents the Imagination Station. Author Marianna Hering had a desire to provide solid literature for her twin boys. She wanted to give action and adventure from a Christian point of view. The Imagination Station books were born and are filled with amazing adventures that take the reader into different periods in history.

In Islands and Enemies, cousins Patrick and Beth board the Victoria in 1521 as it is on a journey around the world. Unfortunately, Patrick and Beth do not start off on the best foot with Captain Ferdinand Magellan. They are accused of being witches and must prove their innocence. The crew is watching every move and looking for any chance they can find to throw the cousins overboard! Adventure awaits as the children find friends and purpose amongst the crew while on this trip.  

This hardback book is 150 pages and includes illustrations and a secret word puzzle. This is the 28th book in the series. The book series is geared for upper elementary, but I’m not going to lie… my middle and high schooler also enjoy the stories.

Finding solid, clean literature that is actually good is quite a challenge in our world. I am constantly on the lookout for the next good book for my kids. Trust me when I say, The Imagination Station books are good… and solid… and clean. You don’t have to worry about a hidden worldly agenda.

I believe it is fair to say these books are stand alone adventures…. in other words you do not have to read them in order. You can pick up any book in the Imagination Station series and be able to enjoy the story.

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