Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

We recently received another great digital download from Homeschool In the Woods. Last year, we got to review the Ancient Egypt pack from the Project Passport World History Studies. This year we are reviewing the Ancient Greece set. This study makes a great addition to your homeschool history. Hands- on history projects really bring things to life.

If you haven’t looked into Homeschool In the Woods yet, I highly recommend checking them out. They have amazing resources that are thorough and complete. The Ancient Greece study from the Project Passport World History Studies is geared for grades 3rd- 8th. The study takes you on a trip through Ancient Greece that can take from 8 – 12 weeks! The trip includes twenty- five stops and covers The Archaic Period, Greek Government, Athens and Sparta, Everyday Life, Farming, Business, Transportation, Education, Literature, Science, Medicine & Disease, The Arts, Philosophy, Religion (Myths and Heroes), Warfare, The Golden Age, Alexander the Great, The Hellenistic Age, Archaeology, and much more!

The Project Passport studies aren’t simply readings that you download. This is a complete experience. Activities include:

  • Creative Writing
  • A “Dining Out Guide” of Recipes
  • A File Folder Game
  • A “Scrapbook of Sights” for storing notebook projects
  • A Newspaper “Greek Weekly”
  • A “Snapshot Moments in History” Scrapbook Timeline
  • “Postcards from Famous Folks”
  • Souvenir Craft Cards with a dozen 3-D projects to make
  • Over a dozen Lap Book Projects …and much more!

Lapbooking has always been one of my favorite tools in homeschooling. I have a couple of kids that really do not enjoy it, but my other two love it. A lapbook is an interactive collection of completed learning tasks related to a specific subject. It’s called a lapbook because of its large size, and it can be easily placed on your lap. lapbooks act like a file folder. They help to organize different sections inside to make it easy to find specific information.

My favorite part of the Ancient Greece study from Homeschool in the Woods in the dramatized audio tours! In our download, we received MP3s with tour guide Graham taking us on adventures to Athens, Troy, the Olympic Games, and more. My kids love audio adventures.

Each of the twenty-five stops of the trip has an itinerary like the one pictured above. The itenerary is your lesson plan and walks you through exactly what you need to do to to complete your trip.

I love resources from Homeschool in the Woods. They have really thought about everything. They include all the masters, teachers guide, pictures of how your project should look when finished, lesson plans, and additional resources. So many homeschool parents are looking for low/ no prep materials. The Ancient Greece Project Passport study comes in a zip file straight to your inbox. Once you unzip the files, you’ll find everything you need well organized and ready to print. Easy Peasy!

My kids really enjoyed learning about Greek Mythology and the titans, gods, and monsters in stop 15. We especially enjoyed making constellations.

You can see the full scope and sequence of the Ancient Greece study HERE.

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