I received this complimentary product from the Homeschool Review Crew.

I’ve always enjoyed creating my own resources, units, and curriculum. As a delight directed/ unschooling kind of family, we don’t really fit into a curriculum box. However, there are times when no prep printables are a great addition! If I can find a quick math worksheet or reading comprehension worksheet, I’m all for it! We have used Super Teacher Worksheets for years. This year, we have a year long membership throught the Homeschool Review Crew.

Super Teacher Worksheets has over 20,000 downloadable printables for grades K-5th. I have used some of their materials for my middle schooler as well.

Topics Include:


Reading Comprehension

Reading and Writing


Early Literacy


Spelling Lists

Chapter Books


Social Studies


Puzzles and Brain Teasers

Teacher Helps

PreK and Kindergarten

Worksheet Generator

While Super Teacher Worksheets offers some free downloads, there are many benefits to being a member of the site. The primary benefit is that you get access to ALL. THE. THINGS. You can also save your printables as well as use the worksheet generator to create custom pages. I love the Filing Cabinet feature for members. With 20,000 worksheets to sift through, it is nice to be able to save your most frequently used and your favorites.

My most frequented printables are the speed math pages. My kids are not very math fluent. They know how to do the problems, but their speed isn’t great. This is a big problem as they get into the higher level math. Each day, I print out a basic math facts sheet… either addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division with fifty problems. The kids start a timer and work through the sheet. They record their time when they are finished. The hope is that their time gets faster as the school year progresses.

We also really enjoy the puzzles and brain teasers sections. These are great to include in my kids’ folders for work when we need a little extra in our day. Some of the pages can be done by an individual and others are great for group work. Every worksheet is clearly labeled with the appropriate grade.

The worksheets from Super Teacher Worksheets are a fantastic way to reinforce concepts you are learning at home. If your child needs a little extra help with an idea, you can find worksheets to help. Some times our kids need a break from the regular curriculum with a new page to try. This gives them a different lens through which to see a concept.

I deal with chronic illness. When my kids were younger, I liked having a folder for each of them with easily explained pages that they could find and work on when I was having a bad day. Super Teacher Worksheets has so many topics and subjects to choose from. It is a wonderful resource.

Be sure to follow Super Teacher Worksheets:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superteacherworksheets/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuperTeacherWks
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superteacher_worksheets/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/superteacherwks/

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