I have been having trouble with USB drives lately. I have one that has family pictures on it. I was in the process of uploading our family pics to Google Photos. When I put in the USB, all the pictures came out corrupted. Another USB houses all the designs and clip art I’ve ever made. I should probably try to figure out something else for backing everything up! Anyway! I was looking for a certain design the other day. When I put the USB in the computer, it showed no files… zero… nada… nothing!

Thousands of designs… thousands were stored on there. Clip Art, Printables, Blog Graphics, Images. ALL GONE! I scrambled to download a program to restore lost files and thankfully recovered about 90% of what was lost. The sucky thing is… all the files that I had so diligently organized were now simply labeled “Lost File Name (*******).” The “******” are numbers. So… Lost File Name 000001, Lost File Name 000002. My OCD kicked in and I started trying to untangle the mess and reorganize the files.

In doing this massive time suck of a task, I rediscovered things I had totally forgotten about! Years ago, I had a different blog called “Plants and Pillars.” I had another blog specifically for design called, “Ninja Mom Designs.” I offered freebies regularly on these blogs… homeschool related on Plants and Pillars and design stuff like planner printables and decor on Ninja Mom Designs.

I don’t have the blogs any longer, but I do have the printables!

For today’s Flashback Freebie, I found four different timed math-themed PDF printable packs! When you open them, you’ll see they were designed by Katie @ Plants and Pillars. Let’s just pretend it says Designed by Katie @ The Delight Directed Homeschooler!

This printable is best suited for elementary-age kids. This is to help with math fact recall. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend math fact mastery. Highly. Recommend. Highly. I didn’t require math fact mastery with my older two and it was most definitely to their detriment! Once you start getting into higher-level math, not knowing basic math facts will slow you down and cause the whole mind-numbing, tedious, treacherous process to last oh so much longer. The lesson of the story… learn the math facts!

Simply click the links below to download the theme of your choice. Each back has three pages of timed math fact tests along with instructions on how to use them.

You can choose from Lego (addition), Princess (addition), American Girl (multiplication), or Star Wars (multiplication).

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