Disclaimer: I received this Complimentary Product through the Homeschool Review Crew

If you’ve followed me for long, you know we are big fans of SchoolhouseTeachers.Com, a division of The Old Schoolhouse®. Through the Homeschool Review Crew, we were given The Ultimate Membership.

Before we get to the review, I want to make sure you know about the FRESH START SALE 2023!!!

SchoolhouseTeachers.com wants to help you plan for a successful and enriching year ahead. If you are concerned about what your child should be learning for the year, members may check out the Scope and Sequence to make sure he is on track. Need help with recordkeeping? Applecore is also available with a membership giving you access to report cards, transcripts, and more. Joining the SchoolhouseTeachers.com community means your entire family has access to over 400 courses, a print subscription to The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, FREE access to World Book Online, Total College Success, and RightNow Media. Pay only $90 today and lock in your next nine months of homeschool curriculum. Use code: FRESHSTART23 at checkout to gain access to these essential homeschooling tools and so much more today.

I’ve been homeschooling for quite a while and explored many different systems, companies, memberships, etc. The Ultimate Membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.Com is one of the most complete, affordable, and diverse memberships you could hope for. 

Here are just a few of the things you receive with your membership:

  • Access to over 400 courses for PreK- 12th grade
  • Help with Record Keeping
  • Parent Helps- Including the Schoolhouse Smart Mama Planner and Monthly Meal Planning
  • Access to Worldbook Encyclopedia Online
  • Access to Right Now Media
  • Scope and Sequence
  • Special Member Benefits
  • Special Learning Centers
  • Printable Materials
  • No Limits on Classes
  • College and Career Planning
  • Christian Worldview
  • … and more!

The team at SchoolhouseTeachers.Com is always working to add amazing content. In 2022, we can look forward to seeing Korean, Calculus, Psychology, and an updated Microsoft course added to their ever growing list of class offerings. 

You can also look forward to a Virtual Science Fair on March 25 and a Virtual Talent Show on May 20!

Your membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.Com includes your whole family. There are no hidden fees. It is self-paced so you can work at your own speed. Each course, whether it is a four week class or a thirty- six week class, comes with detailed lesson plans. The lesson plans are laid out in a suggested weekly schedule. You can, of course, tailor these to your needs. 

Your students are not turning in work to a teacher. You are still responsible for assigning and checking work. Answer keys are available! 

There are two main ways you can use SchoolhouseTeachers.com. The first is what I call the “a la cart” approach. This is where you pick and choose your course load. I like to include my kids in the process. For example, I tell my high schoolers, “You need to have a Science and a History, let’s look at what’s available and you can tell me what you’d like to do.” My son has enjoyed Drive Through History- Both Ancient History and American History. My daughter really like the Civil Right History Class as well as Middle School Physical Science. Once we’ve chosen the courses they want to take, I help them stay on track by using the suggested weekly plans and directing them to the work they need to complete. We use Evernotes to keep up with everything, but I can talk about that at a later date. 

If the idea of putting together your own classes and workload seems overwhelming, let me suggest a second method. The team at SchoolhouseTeachers.Com have carefully curated “school boxes” for each grade. They have looked at the typical scope and sequence for each grade. Please note- each state has specific homeschool laws. Some are more relaxed and some are more rigorous. You are still responsible for making sure you are in compliance with your state’s laws. The “school boxes” are an amazing resource. They are virtual curriculum boxes filled with a suggested course list and links to all the courses found within SchoolhouseTeachers.Com. PreK and Parent support boxes are coming soon!

I really could go on and on about all the amazing things SchoolhouseTeachers.Com offers including their top notch member support and community. You do not have to homeschool alone. There is a large community throughout the world waiting to join you and walk alongside you. Isn’t that cool to think about?!? Also… just so you know, the access to Right Now Media is worth the price of admission. This streaming media resource has Bible Studies for children, teens, and adults. You can access Christian children’s videos including the Torchlighter series! It is really a great resource to have at your finger tips!

Be sure to follow SchoolhouseTeachers.Com:

SchoolhouseTeachers.com: https://schoolhouseteachers.com/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolhouseTeachers/

Facebook Private Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SchoolhouseTeachers/

Be Sure to follow The Old SchoolhouseⓇ:

The Old Schoolhouse®: https://www.theoldschoolhouse.com/

Homeschooling with Heart Blog: https://www.theoldschoolhouse.com/blog/

Magazine Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theoldschoolhouse/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOSMag/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tosmag/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheOldSchoolhouseMagazine

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tosmagazine/

Check out what other members of the Review Crew are saying. Click the banner below:

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