Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor compensated in any other way.

I’m a sucker for a good book to review. I’ve always loved children’s books. When I was a teacher, I had an overwhelmingly large collection of them. My collection has since been distributed to others who are in need and I try to keep our own bookshelves to a minimum. My kids consume books at a rapid pace so the library is really our best friend. However, there are some books that are just worth keeping on the shelf. We received a wonderful collection of books from Truth Becomes Her that includes The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS.

The Adventures of Roony Cruz RINGLEADERS is actually a follow up book to the Bible Belles HEARD series. The story is great. Mari, the angel, takes Rooney, the main character, to look at window snap shots of stories of woman in the New Testament. Rooney learns from these woman and takes these lessons into her real life. Roony meets different women in the New Testament whose lives point her to the truth of God’s word and power of hope in Jesus. The book does a wonderful job highlighting the life of Christ.
We received a PDF version of the book before receiving the hard copy in the mail. I was excited to receive The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS book and coloring book as well as a RINGLEADERS Devotional for Girls and a Mother/ Daughter journal.

The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS book is a beautifully bound hardback book. It has nine chapters and is wonderfully illustrated. Bible Belles is a division of Truth Becomes Her, which is self-described as “a movement that transcends the emphasis on feminine beauty and focuses on teaching young women about their true worth.” Bible Belles was designed to teach girls about the women of the Bible, by Erin Weidemann and her husband Brent. I love this vision! The worldly view of feminism is so sad to me and missed the point of what empowerment really is. I think Bible Belles and Truth Becomes Her does a wonderful job honoring Scripture and teaching girls about who they are in Christ and to find their value in the super powers he gives them- prayer, patience, bravery, loyalty, and leadership.
Rooney Cruz is participating in a school play. As she learns more about her part, her anxiety goes up. She doubts her abilities and starts to listen to the voice in her head saying she can’t do it. As she begins to think of all the mistakes she might make, she begins to pray and tells God that it is just impossible. At this moment, she gets a visit from a familiar face- angel Mari. Mari encourages Rooney and takes her to peek in on the Ringleaders- women of Biblical history who encounter Jesus in powerful ways. Rooney is able to learn about her own voice and important message God is calling her to deliver.

We also received the Ringleaders Devotional for Girls. The devotional contains 40 days of material that coincide with the Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS book. The devotional has readings and various ways to respond to what you are learning- memory verse, prayer, discussion, drawing. It seems just right for the 8-12 age bracket.
We also received a Coloring Book and a Journal for Mothers and Daughters. The Mother Daughter journal also goes along with the book, focusing on the women that Rooney Cruz meets along the way. It contains side by side journaling pages with prompts for mother and daughter. I love the idea and look forward to using it with my youngest who is 8.
I think the Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS is a fantastic book. Anything that truly points my girls to Christ is a win. So much of our current culture is about identity- who you are? why you are? what you are? Our children are dealing with an onslaught of information and images and ideas trying to dictate what their identity should look like. Anything I can get my hands on that points towards Scripture and what God has to say about identity is something that I want to offer my girls. This book and the additional materials are well thought out and well put together.

Be sure to follow Truth Becomes Her:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BibleBelles
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truthbecomesher/
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