Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

I rarely pass up the opportunity to add a good book to our family library. I had to put boundaries on myself years ago… giving myself some guidelines on books that I put on the shelf. My kids were in a stage of simply consuming books. They would check out the max at the library and read through every one of them by the end of the week. I decided that books we could get from the library that were one and done kind of books didn’t need to be added to our family library. Devotionals, treasured series like The Chronicles of Narnia or Little House on the Prairie, Christian Hero Then and Now biographies, etc…. those all get a place on the shelf. Recently, we were given the book Everybody, Always for Kids by Bob Goff and Lindsey Goff Viducich from Tommy Neslon Publishing.

This sturdy, hardback book has 196 pages. The pages are high quality and very colorful! The author of Love Does and Everybody is Bob Goff, a New York Times best selling author. He has written the book Everybody, Always for Kids with his daughter, Lindsey Goff Viducich.

I think this world we are living in today might seem big and hard to navigate, especially to kids. How do we even begin to enter into this world of hatred and division to show love to those around us??? One step is to lower our eyes from the bigger picture and see what is right in front of us. Look to where God has put you and ask Him how he wants you to care for your community.

“…author Bob Goff is on a mission to give away love like he’s made of it, and through 40 entertaining stories he reveals how kids can do the same.”

– Back of the Book

Written from a Christian worldview, Everybody, Always for Kids inspires children to show kindness to all whom they encounter. The stories in the book are real life experiences. Geared for ages 6-10, the lessons are concrete and written on a developmentally appropriate level. Kids at that age need tangible, not abstract. Everyone has a chance to impact the world, even kids!

I love this quote from the Prologue:

“Do you know what God’s big dream is for us? It’s not that we would be doctors or firefighters or writers or teachers or electricians or ice cream store owners- although I’m sure the world could always use a few more ice cream stores. Of all the terrific, helpful, creative things we could be, the most important this God wants us to be is love. “

This year, we have been talking with our kids a lot about practicing the presence of God. God is not just present when we want him to be…. he is always there. We need to be asking him questions, telling him about our day, laying our time and efforts before him. The more we acknowledge him, the more we become aware of his presence. Practicing love towards all people is a way to be aware of God’s presence. Everybody, Always for kids encourages kids to see the world through God’s eyes and realize they are on a mission from him to love.

Everybody, Always for Kids makes for a great breakfast table devotional or night time reading. Keep it close to your family hangout area so you can be ready to pick it up and read through one of the stories.

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