DISCLAIMER. I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

I will have two kids in high school this year. I’m still trying to figure out how this happened because I’m pretty sure just yesterday they were playing in the sandbox and still taking naps. This whole high school business is a whole other level of homeschooling. I have more moments of panic with this than I ever have! I feel this great weight of responsibility to make sure we are getting it all right. Guess what… that is a burden I am unecessarily carrying… and I know it.

The amount of resources available to help homeschool parents of high school students is incredible. Let me tell you about one we recently got to review through the Homeschool Review Crew. We were given a six month access to the Total Transcript Solution from The HomeScholar, LLC. The HomeScholar, LLC has several products designed to help homeschool parents with the details to help their children pursue higher education. Their goal is to encourage and equip parents of middle and high schoolers.

The Core Modules of Total Transcript Solution are:

  • Step 1: The “nuts and bolts” of how to make a transcript
  • Step 2: For those who learn best with books
  • Step 3: The HomeScholar transcript template collection
  • Step 4: One personal consultation to review your completed transcript

My favorite part of this is the transcript template collection. With many options to choose from, finding something to meet your specific needs is not hard. The information available through Total Transcript Solution is invaluable. There are so many great videos with specific instruction and encouragement. If you are confused about what equals a high school credit or how to grade a class or how to calculate GPA or how to create course titles… the videos and handouts that come with the program are fantastic. They will help put your mind at ease and take the mystery out of homeschooling high school.

If you are not a fan of watching videos for your instruction, never fear. There is a whole section titled, “For Those Who Learn Best from Books.” You can download an eBook called, “The Easy Truth About High School Transcripts.”

I really like how this program accounts for the individuality of students. There is not a one size fits all. I have one child who is an outside of the box thinker. School has never really looked like “school” for him… you know what I mean? His classes haven’t followed a traditional pattern. He is very artistic and self motivated. He knows all about Polynesian history and culture… simply because he wanted to spend several months learning and researching. The school path of my next in line will look much different. She is determined to go to college and into some type of field working with animals- whether forest ranger, veteranarian, zoo keeper…she doesn’t know exactly what, but she knows the general direction. Her path will have to take a more traditional route, especially with science.

The Total Transcript Solution helps me to account for both of those kids and their individual, unique needs. There is a lot of room for angst when homeschooling highschoolers… especially when you start looking around and realizing that you maybe aren’t doing it like everyone else…. yikes… stay the course mama… you’ll be ok! Holy run on sentence Batman! I need to get back on track. Whew… y’all… it has been a week! We start school next week at a new co op. I will not only be responsible for my own children, but am teaching four classes as well! Angst…. don’t let it get the best of you. The HomeScholar is designed to diffuse the angst and help you through the high school years, especially when it comes to record keeping.

My advice… don’t reinvent the wheel. Take advantage of the work others have done and are offering to you!

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Check out what other members of the Review Crew are saying. Several different products from The HomeScholar were reviewed. Click the banner below:

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One Thought on “The HomeScholar LLC Total Transcript Solution- A Review”

  • Thank you Katie for your wonderful review! I’m so glad you loved the transcript collection. Here’s a Pro Tip for you: the first transcript in that collection (The HomeScholar Transcript Template) is the one we find wins the most scholarships!

    You are so right about accounting for the student’s individuality. The whole point of creating a homeschool transcript is to help your student stand out from the thousands of other students that the colleges will see. Uniqueness is a homeschool advantage!

    I will be sharing your review with our newsletter subscribers. Please let your readers know that if they have any additional questions, they can reach out on our website either via chat or the contact form.

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