Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

Biblical literacy is SO IMPORTANT. I cannot say that enough. I wish you could HEAR MY CAPITAL LETTERS as I emphasize this point. Biblical literacy is the ability to rightly read and understand the Bible, using the proper tools of study, and becoming well acquainted with the Bible’s character and content. In my experience, most kids don’t just pick up a Bible and know what to do with it. There is training involved. There is teaching and modeling. When great tools come along to help in the process, that makes things so much better!

Teach Sunday School has amazing printables to help with Bible Study. We recently had the opportunity to review the Bible Blueprints. We received both the Old and New Testament Blueprints. Each blueprint tells you where in the Bible to find the book, how many chapters it has, and what type of book it is (gospel, historical, prophect, poetry, etc.). The blueprint gives a brief overview and history and then breaks down the flow of the book. These are really helpful in giving a broad view of a book of the Bible before digging in to read.

Teach Sunday School says that “Studying the Bible should be a joy… not a chore.” Their products reflect this idea in fun and engaging ways. They have Bible study printables for kids, teens, and adults.

We’ve printed out all sixty- six Bible Blueprint pages and put them into a notebook with a divider for Old and New Testament. My kids can pull out the notebook and look up the book they are studying to get that bird’s eye view of what they are reading. By having the printables in a notebook in Biblical order, this is one more tool to help the kids become more comfortable and confident in using their Bibles.

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